Friday, November 2, 2012

Today in biology we learned about cell division and it was seriously the easiest thing EVER! like some people didn't get that most of the cells are in interphase because it's the longest phase!! and some people thought that the order of the mitosis phases were Metaphase, Prophase, Telophase then Anaphase?! UHG it's OBVIOUSY Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase THEN Telophase? it just wouldn't make sense.  I mean come on guys let's just think a little bit.  Why would the cell chromosomes be divided then go back like they thought it was (Metapahse to Prophase)? And how could Telophase happen before Anaphase? Why would the cells separate then have the sister chromosomes pulled to the opposite polls? It just doesn't make sense.  The order is obvious- Nuclear membrane dissolving, centromeres attaching to the spindle fibers and the chromosomes being pulled, the sister chromosomes pulled to the opposite sides of the cell and the cell separating to form 2 cells. IDIOTS
cell ya later!

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